Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Keeping It Moving Forward: Fun Summer Learning

Summer Learning Slides

First page of the PDF file: May-2020-TALive

Summer Learning Padlet

Keeping It Moving Forward: Fun Summer Learning

Summer Learning Padlet

You've learned Teams and Meet and Zoom and Loom,
You've made Wakelets and Padlets and Cards that go Boom.
Your phone, tablet, and laptop are tools,
No more checking Facebook, they're all used for school.How long? What now? Social gatherings... nonexistent.
The kids have adapted to learning from a distance.
Here's what we know... we know nothing for sure.
This too shall pass. We will endure.One thing's for certain - you can put it to test (just kidding there are no tests).
You adapt, you teach, you LOVE - You really are the best!

The end of the school year doesn't have to mean the end of the learning, but it also doesn't have to look like school! RMTC-D/HH staff members are excited to announce TALive! for May! Come join us for a fun-filled adventure into summer learning! Whether you love your computer or are ready to recycle all forms of technology and get outside, we have resources for YOU! Join us as we share tips, tricks, and resources for Keeping it Moving Forward: Fun Summer Learning.The approach will be holistic, examining the topic from the perspective of both professionals and families.

Participants will be able to

  • identify and justify the need for continued access to communication and language during breaks from instruction and
  • identify online, paper-based, and experience-based activities to support language enrichment at home for families and teachers during breaks from structured teaching.