Keeping It All Together: Progress Monitoring and Record-Keeping Binders for the ToDHH
Some Itinerant teachers serve students from Pre-K through 12th grade and beyond. How do you keep track of all your data and records? You do it with portfolios and electronic data collection forms, of course! Participants will learn to create portfolios to utilize for individual students and/or groups of students while teaching their students organizational skills that will foster advocacy and self-determination. Participants will also have access to printable materials such as data collection forms, curriculum activities, core standards cheat sheets, and much more.
- Participants will be able to identify components of progress monitoring for students who are deaf/hard of hearing.
- Participants will be able to list ways to organize and maintain a Progress Monitoring Binder
Felicia Massie is the itinerant teacher for students who are deaf or hard of hearing for the small rural county of Okeechobee. She has worked in the field of education for 15 years in which 12 of these years have been in the field of Deaf Education. She started out as an educational interpreter and worked hard to become a teacher. Felicia graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a degree in Elementary Education K-6 with an ESOL endorsement. After three years in the general education classroom, she decided to return her passion to work with students who are deaf/hard of hearing and became an itinerant teacher for Okeechobee County.