Keeping It In Context - Explicit Contextualized Vocabulary Instruction - DHH (ECV-DHH)

ECV-DHH Slides
First page of the PDF file: ECV-DHH_TA-Live_Catalano_111319-1

Explicit Contextualized Vocabulary Instruction - DHH (ECV-DHH), developed by Georgia’s Center on Literacy and Deafness (CLAD), is an approach to content area vocabulary instruction for use with students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH). The explicit and contextualized instructional strategies expose students to new words and give students practice in using the words expressively. 

The presentation will: 

  1.  help teachers better understand the benefits of implementing explicit contextualized vocabulary instruction, 
  2. explain the purpose of each component of instruction, and 
  3. provide a brief overview of the steps needed to implement the components.

Dr. Jennifer Catalano is the director of the Master’s program in Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) and is an assistant professor at Flagler College. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Arizona in Special Education with a research focus in DHH education. She was a research assistant with the Center on Literacy and Deafness (CLAD) for five years developing and implementing literacy interventions for K-2 students who are DHH. Prior to going back to academia, she taught for 14 years as a TOD (itinerant and self-contained) and in a variety of general and special education settings.