Keeping It Accessible Part 1: Captions for Everyone

Keeping It Accessible: Captions for Everyone Slides
First page of the PDF file: Keeping-It-Accessible-with-Captions

Captioning is an evidence-based practice known to improve attention, memory, language acquisition, access to content, vocabulary, and level of comprehension for many students. Captioned educational content adds to a universally designed learning environment. This presentation includes demonstrations and exploration of various captioning options. Participants will learn how to implement the use of automatic captioning tools in their classrooms. In addition, they will understand the difference between auto-generated captions and human-generated captions.

  • Identify three captioned resources for learning content-specific vocabulary (in biology, history, literature, and other subjects) to increase literacy.
  • Explain at least two reasons captioned media may increase students’ motivation to read.
  • Identify at least three tools for creating captioned media.

Cara Wilmot is a Deaf Education and Training Coordinator for an IDEA-Funded State project that supports the Florida Department of Education, and individual school districts, schools, teachers, community agencies, and families of students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Before joining the Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (RMTC-DHH) team, she worked as a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing for Duval County Public Schools in Jacksonville, Florida. She has 18 years of classroom expertise in the areas of transition, itinerant services, and Expanded Skills. She has taught students from birth to age 22 across the continuum of service provision, from self-contained to consultation of students in regular education programs. She has a dual bachelor's degree in Deaf Education and Elementary Education from Flagler College. Her master's degree is in Exceptional Education from the University of North Florida.

RMTC-DHH Related Resources:

Captioning Resources

Tech Notes: Captions