TA-Live! 2019-2020

TA-Live! Keeping Up with RMTC-D/HH: An Exciting Year of Learning
Cara presenting on a slide of RMTC team
TA-Live! Keep Moving Forward: Test Taking Strategies for Improving ACT Scores in English & Writing
Lynn Dunn presenting on questions on ACT
TA-Live! Keeping it Fluent - Signed Reading Fluency
Brent Bechtold presenting on Signed Spoken Silent Reading Fluency
TA-Live! Keeping It In Context: Explicit Contextualized Vocabulary Instruction - DHH (ECV-DHH)
Slide explaining vocab delays in children who are DHH
TA-Live! Keeping It Accessible: Part 1 Captions for Everyone
Cara presenting on captions as a form of AT, UDL, and DI
TA-Live! Keeping It All Together: Progress Monitoring and Record-Keeping Binders for the ToDHH
Felicia Massie presenting on how she uses Progress Monitoring binders to keep records
TA-Live! Keeping It Accessible Part 2: Educational Interpreters and You
Scott presenting on educational interpreters
TA-Live! Keeping Your H.A.T. On Hearing Assistive Technology
Lynn Miskiel and Chrisanda Sanchez presenting on hearing assistive tech
TA-Live! Special Edition - Providing Virtual Instruction to Students who are D/HH
Interpreter signing presentation on virtual learning
TA-Live! Keeping it Real: Theory of Mind
Randi presenting on Theory of Mind with a slide that shows a box of Cheerios and a box of crayons
TA-Live! Keeping it Moving Forward: Fun Summer Learning
Mark presenting with a slide of QR Code for Summer Learning Padlet.