Online Courses

Desk with an aerial view of a mac laptop open with crumpled sticky notes surrounding it, a cup of coffee on the right

These online courses are designed to allow school personnel access to independent study and/or facilitated professional learning courses to increase their ability to respond to the needs of students who are deaf/hard of hearing. If you want to earn in-service credits towards renewal of a Florida Educator’s Certificate, it is recommended that you contact your school district’s professional learning office BEFORE beginning a course to verify the requirements you must fulfill.

DeafEd Express with a hearing aid hanging from the %22d%22 in %22Ed%22 and a clock with streams behind it as if it were moving

DeafEd Express

The purpose of DeafEd Express is to increase the range and depth of best practices used by educators and other professionals in order to positively impact the achievement of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. There are a variety of educational approaches based on the needs of students who are deaf and hard of hearing, such as (listed alphabetically); an auditory-oral educational approach, a bilingual (bimodal) educational approach, and/or an oral educational approach. DeafEd Express covers topics related to deaf/hard of hearing eligibility, language development, academic impact, classroom and instructional strategies, and more.

Intended Audience: Teachers and other school personnel working with students who are deaf/hard of hearing.

Suggested Inservice Points: 6

*Note: Registration for this course is through the BEESS Portal to Professional Learning Alternatives. Please click the "Independent Courses" catalog for more information.

Register for DeafEd Express

Guide to the FLE with a picture of an ear with sound waves, gears, and then a lightbulb

A Guide to The Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE): Why & How

An audiogram shows us how a student can hear when they are in the perfect listening environment of a sound-proof booth, however, as educators we know that classrooms can be noisy places. The purpose of the Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE) is to determine how listening abilities are affected by noise, distance, and visual access in a student’s everyday listening environment. The FLE can also be used as a validation tool to demonstrate the benefits of hearing assistance technology, ASL interpretation, or other classroom accommodations. This protocol is based on a listening paradigm suggested by Ying (1990), and by Ross, Bracken, and Maxon (1992), and was developed by Cheryl DeConde Johnson.

Intended Audience: Teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing and speech-language pathologists working with students who are DHH

Suggested Inservice Points: 5

*Note: Participants must create a free Canvas account before registering. If participants already have a Canvas account, they can use that login information to register for the course.

Register for FLE

Language Reading Connection for the D/HH with a book in the middle opened to a heart. English and ASL are on either side

Language Reading Connection for Deaf/Hard of Hearing (LRC-DHH)

Former president, Barack Obama, in a 2005 speech to the American Library Association, said, “. . . literacy is the most basic currency of the knowledge economy we’re living in today.” This is a profound testament to the importance of all students having the skills to change print to thought and their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas into print when they go out into the world. Their ability to engage in the foundational elements of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is literally and literarily dependent upon access to print. This course will provide educators working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing with the research, strategies, and resources to deliver specially designed literacy instruction.

Intended Audience: Teachers and other school personnel working with students who are deaf/hard of hearing.

Suggested Inservice Points: 10 (eligible for ASHA CEUs)

*Note: Registration for this course is through the BEESS Portal to Professional Learning Alternatives. Please click the "Independent Courses" catalog for more information.

Register for

Usher Syndrome Screening with a picture of an ear with dots around it

Usher Syndrome Screening

This training is designed specifically to help school personnel in conducting screenings for Usher syndrome. Section 6A-6.03013(6), Florida Administrative Code, for identified students who are deaf or hard of hearing, requires school districts to conduct screenings for students at least once between the 6th and 12th grades. Students who are at high risk may need to be screened once in middle school and once in high school. This training provides information on Usher syndrome, how to conduct a screening, the actual forms needed to conduct a screening, guidelines on next steps after the screening, resource materials, and a contact list of state and national resources.

Special Note: If you would like to use the vision goggles to enhance the experience of the course, please contact the district specialist in your county to check them out. The googles are not required to take the online course.

Recommended school-based team: Teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing, interpreters, teachers of the visually impaired, and/or school nurses.

Suggested Inservice Points: 5

*Note: Registration for this course is through the BEESS Portal to Professional Learning Alternatives. Please click the "Independent Courses" catalog for more information.

Register for Usher Syndrome