In some situations, a student’s family or guardians do not have the language skills to explain puberty or human growth, development, and reproduction to their child. Knowledge of this content is vital to student health, safety, and emotional well-being. Florida students are required to take health and this is one of the topics taught in the class. These resources can help the general education teacher teach and the interpreter render the message faithfully for these concepts.
The RMTC-DHH Media and Materials Loan Library has several DVD resources available to borrow for FREE for Florida stakeholders.
- Straight Talk About Puberty for Girls (Catalog Number: 17)
- Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys (Catalog Number: 18)
- Puberty: A Girl’s Journey Through the Physical, Emotional and Social Changes (Catalog Number: 22)
- Puberty: A Boy’s Journey Through the Physical, Emotional and Social Changes (Catalog Number: 23)
- My Changing Life Series- Girls: The Complete Guide to Puberty (Catalog Number: 30)
- My Changing Life Series- Boys: The Complete Guide to Puberty (Catalog Number: 31)
Another resource is to share videos from the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP). Many videos from DCMP have ASL interpretation, as well. Some titles include the following:
- You, Your Body and Puberty
- A Boy’s Guide to Growing Up
- A Boy’s Guide to Puberty and Personal Safety
- A Girl’s Guide to Growing Up
- A Girl’s Guide to Puberty and Personal Safety
- The Puberty Workshop: Boys And Puberty
- The Puberty Workshop: Girls And Puberty.
General education teachers and educational interpreters working with a student with a hearing loss can create an account and check out materials.
The following two videos are found on YouTube and are in American Sign Language:
- ASL Puberty Human
- Growing Up! Life During Puberty (produced by students)
Note: As with all media, it is recommended to review the resources listed thoroughly for the appropriateness of content before viewing with students or families.
The information contained in the FAQs does not constitute legal advice. RMTC-DHH does not endorse or sponsor any one product. Please refer to the original sources listed in each FAQ for more information.
- Families
- Specially Designed Instruction