RMTC-DHH does not recommend one ASL Dictionary over another; therefore, they are listed alphabetically. Each dictionary is helpful for different purposes. We welcome recommendations to add to this list.
If a student is going to use a specific ASL dictionary on a state test, then they should practice using the same dictionary in the classroom on a regular basis. However, it should be noted that just because another dictionary (or any other accommodation or support) that is not permissible on the assessment, does not mean it is not permissible for use in the classroom. For districts that use Portal for Exceptional Education Resources (PEER), there is a form in the program the parents can sign for accommodations used in the classroom that are not allowed on statewide assessments. Districts that do not use PEER should have an equivalent form.
Electronic/Online Dictionaries
ASLCore is a Deaf-centric dictionary of all subject areas which honors and celebrates Deaf culture and American Sign Language sponsored by RIT/NTID.
*ASL Dictionary App, Software Studios LLC (iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows).
ASL University (ASLU) (formerly Life Print)
DeafTEC STEM Dictionaries (Information Technology, Lab Sciences, and Math), Math Tutorial Videos
*Mimix3D App by Mind Rokets Inc.
*See Sign App by bill m bizuk
Sign ASL - Web-based and app (iOS and Android) versions of this dictionary search a variety of resources and compare thousands of words and phrases in ASL.
*Sign 4 Me App by Vcom3D, Inc.
Smart Sign Dictionary from Georgia Tech Center for Accessible Technology in Sign (GA CATS) can be viewed on any web browser using a computer or phone. It provides students with pictures for multiple meanings of words to determine the appropriate definition.
Spread the Sign is an international dictionary that can be accessed via the web or an app.
Paper Dictionaries
*American Sign Language Dictionary, Revised Edition (RMTC-DHH Loan Library, Catalog #196)
NTC’ Multilingual Dictionary of ASL (RMTC-DHH Loan Library, Catalog #1811)
Random House Webster’s Concise American Sign Language Dictionary
*The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary (RMTC-DHH Loan Library, Catalog #24)
The Gallaudet Children’s Dictionary of American Sign Language (RMTC-DHH Loan Library, Catalog #505)
*May be permissible for use on Florida statewide assessments. For more information on allowable accommodations on Florida’s statewide assessments, visit the Florida Statewide Assessment Portal.
Related Resources
Statutes, TAPs, Other Legal References
Florida Communication Plan for Students who are DHH Describe the use of the ASL dictionary on the plan.
Videos, Handouts, Other Resources
- ASL Content Standards from Gallaudet University
- Other Dictionaries:
- Vocabulary Simple English Dictionaries
- Visual Dictionaries
- Math Visual Dictionaries
Related Expanded Skills Standards
- SP.PK12.DH.4.5 Express the meaning of complex vocabulary, concepts, and figurative language through explicit strategies, such as drawing, role play, fingerspelling, and recognizing visual markers.
- SP.PK12.DH.5.2b Request adaptation of the physical environment or accommodations when communication is perceived to be difficult.
- SP.PK12.DH.6.2b Select and use assistive technology—low-tech, high-tech, closed captioning, alerting systems—that is personally appropriate.
The information contained in the FAQs does not constitute legal advice. RMTC-DHH does not endorse or sponsor any one product. Please refer to the original sources listed in each FAQ for more information.
- Accessible Instructional Materials
- Assistive Technology
- Testing and Assessment