Did You Know? You can use tools to create your own captions.
The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) has developed the only in-depth, research-based guidelines for captions. They can be found in their captioning key. Even after you learn how to properly caption, you will need to reference the DCMP captioning key to make sure you are using the correct standards of caption production.
DCMP's “Learning Center” is a great resource to ensure the regulatory guidelines are met. This site on media accessibility information, guidelines, and research is a great place to start your journey of providing accessible media to your users.
Free Resources for Creating Captions
- CADET - The "Caption And Description Editing Tool is free, downloadable caption-authoring software that enables anyone to produce high-quality caption files that are compatible with any media player that supports the display of captions." No internet connection is needed to operate and videos do not need to be uploaded, supporting confidentiality of content.
- DeafTEC Captioning Media - DeafTEC has a list of free and low-cost captioning services available online.
- Described and Captioned Media Program - Make sure to check out "The Learning Center" (above).
- National Deaf Center - The National Deaf Center has a web page dedicated to creating offline captions which includes a PDF instruction manual.
- National Center on Disability and Access to Education - The NCDAE has a captioning page which includes a video tutorial on how to appropriately caption YouTube videos. Their resource is also available as a one-page PDF file.
Resources for Creating Captions (Purchase Required)
DCMP has a list of domestic and international vendors who can provide captions with quick turn-around times.
- captions
- creating captions