RMTC-DHH services include:
- Instructional materials
- Technical assistance
- Professional learning
- Media and Materials Loan Library
- Information and resources
RMTC-DHH services do not include:
- Serving as members of the IEP development team
- Serving the role of professional or parental advocate
- Participating in performance evaluations of school personnel
- Independent evaluations
- Provision of ongoing direct services
Request Services
RMTC-DHH staff members provide training, technical assistance, and resources to school districts, agencies, associations, families, and other state and federal discretionary projects working with students who are DHH in Florida.
RMTC-DHH distributes captioned and signed video materials with supplemental curricular materials to instructional and support staff statewide through the free Media and Materials Loan Library. RMTC-DHH also provides professional materials to educational personnel including interpreters and families of students who are deaf/hard of hearing.
RMTC-DHH provides technical assistance to schools and school districts in the form of coaching and mentoring, observation/consultation, information and referral, and program review. Technical assistance support may be provided through onsite visits, virtual office meetings, and other in-person opportunities.
RMTC-DHH provides professional learning opportunities to school district personnel working with students who are deaf/hard of hearing based on state initiatives, needs assessment, and by school or district request. Opportunities may be provided through face-to-face opportunities, as well as through online learning modules, webinars, or virtual meetings and presentations.
The Resource Materials and Technology Center for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (RMTC-DHH) works collaboratively with all Florida stakeholders to positively influence outcomes of students who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) in preparation for college, career, and life. RMTC-DHH supports families and school personnel by researching current national and state initiatives, by procuring interventions, curricula, and assessments, and by utilizing data to assist stakeholders in implementing instructional practices. The project provides statewide coordination for the delivery of specialized technology and instructional materials to students who are DHH, as well as training and technical assistance to educators and families of students who are DHH according to rule 6A.6.03013, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
Services from RMTC-DHH are provided by request and at no charge to the school, district, or organization.
Other Discretionary Projects for DHH
For more information on auditory-oral education programs or educational interpreting, please contact the following BEESS Discretionary Projects for support:
- Auditory-Oral Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech
- Auditory-Oral University of Miami (UM) Debbie School
- Educational Interpreter Project (EIP)